Wednesday, October 06, 2004

i don't know what in the hell i'm talking about but for some reason it makes sense

reason is all our generation needs. its our pass to wave when blame falls upon us. We wave our flags of resentment and are immediately absolved of accountability, guilt and shame. Sink or swim, there comes a point when we have to realize that we are who we let ourselves be. If we continue to be the victim of mommy and daddys mistakes that's all we will be, an emotional hypochondriac. So we grow and we accept, we deal and we mature. Fuck mom and dad, if I'm an asshole its because I let myself become one. But that's not what this is about.This is about not only being accountable for every action, re-action, emotion and relationship because we are the bruised and broken sons and daughters of shame and filth. This is about allowing us to reap the benefits of a semi-privileged upbringing. Life gives you lemons, you make a goddamn orchard. i embrace the strength of character it took my family to not only support but eventually admonish the demons. but those demons live in me...


don't take this the wrong way. this is my journal so don't talk shit.