Tuesday, July 26, 2005

eastbound traffic has led me to rush hour scenes.

i wonder what you are thinking about right now. and where you are and who you're with. i need to be there.be them. 2 days breaks down to 48 hours breaks down to 2880 minutes breaks down to 172,800 seconds.. breaks down to. forever. i wish i could have been there for every last one."do you remember when you and i, were less than us and we? covered up what little was left of me and became, one in the same." i give up. you win the battle and the war. take me prisoner please. i appear more dead than alive but enough love and morphine can fix anything.yes with enough morphine one could lose their legs and not feel a hint of pain.put me under.i need this because it goes on and on and on and on and on.

-read between the lines believe


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

i keep telling myself i'm not the desparate type

i'm the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. trust me when i say this, i'll only go so far to get your attention. you want the truth? the truth hits so much harder than i could ever say. something is going on right now and its gonna be big and ugly and hurt both of us."fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, you're dead to me." the worst thing in the world is feeling like you are just turbulence in someone elses life. i am just some kid who has a smile that makes you love me or hate me. read the words, slow down. start again. you never really know the wieght of someones words until they hit you with them. whatever. none of this makes sense.
